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Oct 22, 2010

free virtual wedding card

herloo peeps..

kepada kwn2 b2b... sesiapa yg  wedding datenya antara 1 November 2010 - 31 December 2010.. u r the lucky one.. sbb aper tau.. sbb WeddingKami sedang membuat promosi kad virtual secara percuma.. yupp! its free darling..

syaz dh survey virtual card ni dr setahun yg lalu.. tyme syaz start buat our wedding preparation.. and WeddingKami adalah vendor pertama yg syaz call since di introduce oleh officemate.. katanya.. kawan dia from mmu.. masa dpt quotation a year ago from one of the owner of WeddingKami.. i put this on as *on hold* sbb mau tgk budget ujung tahun kami.. muahahaha.. then tup tup..diorg ader buat promotion.. so aper lagi.. grab aja.. rugi oo kalau x grab this promo.. 

why syaz mencari virtual card? n why jgk this one is including dlm our wedding checklist.. sbb ramai org sekarang ini menjemput via fesbuk! so.. syaz mau alternatip lain digunakan.. selain dari scan kad kahwin dan masuk dlm fesbuk then invite org.. syaz mau guna virtual card.. :) ini juga benda yg sama as inform by one of the owner of WeddingKami.. katanya.. this virtual card blh digunakan untuk menjemput org via fesbuk.. huhuuhuhu.. kan bagus itu.. 

setahun yg lalu.. i received the quotation with a price on it for this virtual wedding card.. and as today.. setelah syaz contact balik the one of owner of WeddingKami untuk mengconfirmkan masih ada kekosongan ataupun tidak.. am already register and be a part of this promotion with a free virtual wedding card.. yyiippppiii!

here is the T&C for be a part of it..

Terms & Conditions
  1. Your Weddingkami website will display ads at the footer section
  2. Your Weddingkami website will be online from 1 November 2010 – 31 December 2010 only.
  3. Features available are the same features as our Economy packages.
  4. The couple with the most visited statistic will receive a free Weddingkami Interactive CD (to be viewed offline – worth RM300)
  5. If there’s no activity in your Weddingkami website for two weeks consecutively, the website will be removed automatically. (activities such as eg: updated content, photos or wedding wishes)
  6. Either one of the couple must be a follower of @Weddingkami’s TwitterOR a fan of Weddingkami’s Facebook.
  7. If you’re active on social network services (facebook / twitter) you stand more chance in getting it
  8. If you’re working at companies that utilizing ICT services heavily, you stand a chance too.
Entry will be closed as soon as we get 50 couples or at 1159PM, 31 October 2010 so hurry, come & get your Weddingkami Interactive Wedding Website and fill up the application form here. We will send you an email confirming that you’re eligible to receive it

do you interested? hurry up! go register and be a part of it! click this link for more info...


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